Beiträge von 

Elaine Turner

Persönliches Wachstum

How your inner child can help you rock social situations

Your inner child possesses crucial qualities to help you rock social situations. Learn how to use that in this post.

Are you two compatible? Compatibility in romantic relationships and friendships

Have you ever met someone and just "clicked?" In this article, you will learn how to determine if you’re compatible with someone or not.

Making friends as an adult is hard: here's what you can do about it

Making new connections as an adult can be a daunting process: here are some important tips to help you.
Persönliches Wachstum

5 Steps to create intimacy in all your relationships

Intimacy can be built quickly, but it can be challenging to maintain. Learn more about how you can nurture it in all your relationships.
Persönliches Wachstum

Why empowered women have better relationships

Do empowered women have better relationships? The answer is yes, but why? What is empowerment, why it's important, and how you can achieve it.

The Importance of Girlfriends in your 30s

Too many women realize that they've become isolated from their friendships in their 30s. The importance of having girlfriends in your 30s can't be understated.

5 Guidelines of Healthy Sexuality

How do you know what is healthy and unhealthy about sex if no one talks about it? Elaine Turner shares 5 important guidelines for healthy sexuality.
Persönliches Wachstum

You should build intimacy with yourself: here’s how

Spending time with yourself 1:1 isn’t added to many people’s schedules. But it should! Learn how you can do it and why it’s worth your time.

What are the 5 types of intimacy?

How can you build intimacy if you don't know what it is? Find out more about the 5 types of intimacy.
Persönliches Wachstum

How and why to date yourself

Having a fun social life is essential to your well-being. But so is loving yourself. But how can you love yourself if you’re never alone?